Being a Student During COVID-19 is Rough

Jonathan Gonzalez
5 min readApr 13, 2020

Well, here we are. Day 28 of quarantine and who knows how much longer this will take place. I am starting to forget what my campus looked like. It looks rather different online.

Nowadays, I get on my computer at home to learn about things I should be at a desk learning. I wish I could the learning experience is the same but it is not.

Mondays feel like Fridays and Tuesdays feel like Saturdays. Now usually that would be a good thing right? Not in this case.

When you have a daily routine: going to work, going to school, and going to the gym, you get home tired, but you feel that satisfaction that you are keeping busy and you are on track with your life. Now you’re stuck at home.

Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy spending time with my family. But there’s more things I wish I can go out and accomplish than being home all day.

When you’re wide awake at four in the morning, knowing you have no reason to wake up early the next day, it feels disappointing.

On Mondays, I meet up with my class through online video chat, which is cool that we can do that, but an actual presence of the class feels more class oriented.

Some colleges are giving students the option of receiving credit from a class or choosing not to receive credit for the class and have to retake it again some other time if they choose.

This option is great for those who need to be in person to understand things given to them, but this option wastes another semester, making someone lose both money and time they could’ve used somewhere else.

This virus has delayed people’s futures without any hesitation. It is unfortunate that this is the circumstances but we have to try and make the best out of what we have.

I look forward to the day where us students are back in the classroom setting and campus environment, but for now, I am going to work with what I have.

Online classes are designed to be online and without much instruction from the teachers.

However, when teachers are given approximately one week to turn their class expected to be in person into an online class, you feel bad for them. They do not deserve to have all this extra work added.

Some campuses are at the point where they will have to close down for good. This month off has sent people out of jobs for good.

This pandemic came at the worst possible time, proving 2020 has been a horrific year so far, and it is only April.

Students have to learn how to use technology or else they are risking putting their careers at stake. Good luck to all students.

